Firefox 2017-12-12 23-00-21 by BedstrickenNickyCaveman SpongeBob icon by, apparently FB doesn't want to have me xDD oh well, their loss (i don't even tho, i posted like 1 (one) pic?? wtf)
but i'm not giving up easily!! fuck facebook, share your twitters guys! >:3 <3 (i hope they're not gonna ban me there, too ~~_~~"")
(i'm really INTENT on being more sociable haha ;_;" xD #awkward as usual ofc) Beating Heart by Bloody-Goodbyes

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Nealecoh's avatar
Every couple of tweets twitter will make me do a robot test (captcha) and I have no idea why.

At first I thought it was because I was promoting my book too much, but it does it when I just normally tweet or reply to a tweet.

I really worry that they are going to kick me off twitter and that sucks.